try our
Whether you're looking for just an excellent relaxation massage, if you're in pain or suffering from on-going problems or disorders, don't under-estimate the power of a Traditional Thai massage. Highly recommended by GP's, physiotherapists and chiropractors, The Studio is the 'go to' place in Rotorua for all things massage.
Traditional Thai Massage
Tok Sen Massage
Thai Oil Massage
Hot Stone Massage
Thai Herbal Ball Massage
Full Body Thai Massage
Stretch Massage
Deep Tissue Massage
Relaxation Massage
Sport Massage
Remedial Massage
Therapeutic Massage
Upper or Lower Body Massage
Neck, Back and Shoulders
Infant Massage
Head and Facial Massage
Pure Foot Massage
Pressure Point Massage
Pregnancy Massage
Focus Point Massage
Trigger-Point Therapy
relaxation muscle pain
work injuries sports injuries,
carpal tunnel sciatica, whiplash migraines tendon and muscle tears
tension headaches insomnia weight loss digestion disorder diabetes hypertension blood pressure pregnancy-related back pain discomfort ADHD gout
mood swings anxiety stress
depression anger aggression tiredness sleeping problems fatigue immune system problems
mental and physical wellbeing
immune system problems diabetes,
hypertension blood pressure
pregnancy-related back pain discomfort gout decongestive heart failure torticollis thoracic outlet syndrome varicose veins myofascial pain scapulocostal syndrome ADHD
temporomandibular joint pain fibromyalgia
rheumatoid arthritis raynaud's disease
muscular dystrophies osteoarthritis
thoracic outlet syndrome
The Studio is a family oriented business, no extras, no happy endings and no exceptions. Please do not ask, you will avoid the embarrassment of being refused.